Free Online Chapters from
The Great Gold and Silver Rush of the 21st Century

Whether you’re a complete novice, you’ve been investing for years, or you work on Wall Street, Chapter 3 is filled with useful information on charting that will help you interpret data easier than ever before.

Since the onset of the pandemic, a staggering 30 million ounces of gold—worth $55 billion—flooded into COMEX vaults. Now, an anonymous power player has quietly withdrawn 12 million ounces. In this chapter, Mike uncovers who’s behind this massive accumulation and what it signals for the precious metals market.

Mike calls it the greatest theft in human history. In Chapter 4, Mike explains in full detail exactly how central banking and currency creation have warped our financial system, creating the most dangerous bubble in human history.
Essential Bonus Research from Mike

It’s the one thing that 99% of folks get wrong when it comes to money. And Mike says it’s the most important lesson you need to learn to build your wealth over time…

Mike breaks down our monetary system like you’ve never seen before. He explains in simple terms exactly how Fed policies, like fractional reserve banking, inflate our currency supply, hurt the middle class, and are doomed for failure.

Mike analyzes a speech from Ben Bernanke in 2002… and explains how it inspired him to make a huge financial investment into gold and silver, which paid off many times over…

“I absolutely stand behind my claim that silver is going to triple-digits one day. It absolutely will! This is my belief. I stand behind it. There isn’t anything I can measure that would show it NOT going there!” – Mike Maloney